Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Every True Genius is Bound to be Naive...


The reason that I chose this picture is because it shows three doctors saving somebody's life. That is what I call a hero because without these doctors that person in the picture could die. Doctors are heroes because they help people, lawyers are heroes because they can get people out of jail, or prove that somebody is innocent. There are everyday heroes. And then there are heroes like Superman or Wonderwoman. Those heroes are fictional. The real heroes are everyday people. Geniuses. Every hero is a genius. If they didn't have the brains, how could they possibly save somebody's life? Or have a positive effect on the planet Earth? But I chose this picture because a hero is an everyday person who can make a difference and save somebody's life.

Every True Genius is Bound to be Naive.... this is my quote. I chose this quote because if you are a True Genius, you would obviously be naive. Naive to Science, naive to people... I think you would be naive because lets say you are a scientist, you have to experiment. And with an experiment there are risks, if you are naive you would take those risks. Naive means innocent, or not completely understanding. Young children can be labeled as naive. Even some adults and teenagers can be labeled as naive. At some point in our life everyone has been naive. Right now I am as well. My Mother tell's me all the time. I apparently trust people without even knowing them and believe lies too easily.

This is why I relate my blogger quote to me, myself. I think this because I can be a bit of a genius at times. (Not to brag.) Last year I had straight A's, and I do enjoy math, I suppose sometimes I can be quite a "geek". So I am a bit of a genius, and I am naive. I like to pick things out that relate to me. It makes more sense for me to be connected with things (books, pictures, movies, etc.) otherwise I just wouldn't understand. The picture I chose for this blogpost relates to me as well. Because when I grow up I want to be a surgeon and save people's lives.

So now you know why I chose this quote. It's because it related to me and I felt that I really understand it.

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